Reusable earplugs in a smart packaging solution

Date of publication: 28/03/2024

Innovative festival earplugs from NOIZEZZ for sale in a sustainable bag by DaklaPack

“DaklaPack is not just our packaging manufacturer; they are proactively involved and actively contribute to the sustainable approach of the process.“

NOIZEZZ protects people from hearing damage while allowing them to fully enjoy sound. With their diverse range of hearing protection, including unique specials, the concept of the festival-proof EarBeanz came to life during a road trip by Mark (CEO) and Noa (marketer) van Dijk in 2022. The need for sustainable, affordable festival earplugs was born, and DaklaPack became the missing link for packaging.

In this article Mark and Noa are happy to share more about the dynamic collaboration between DaklaPack and NOIZEZZ. Speed, open communication, creativity and sustainability are the driving forces.


Getting a headstart

As an addition to their range of hearing protection, NOIZEZZ introduced reusable festival earplugs. With their own laboratory in Hoofddorp, they are able to quickly respond to new ideas for earplug production. It didn't take long to produce the new EarBeanz earplugs: small residual streams of silicone earplugs with a perfect fit, designed to allow users to optimally enjoy sound during festivals and concerts without the risk of hearing damage.

The festival earplugs, each with unique color combinations, are manufactured from leftover silicone from NOIZEZZ's regular production. The many different colors that are visible in the earplugs not only demonstrate circularity, but also provide a cheerful appearance.

Selling these beautiful earplugs without appropriate packaging is like having a party without any music. Inspired by a previously used grip bag from a partner of NOIZEZZ, the collaboration with DaklaPack was born. The common goal was to complete the product by complementing it with appropriate packaging. Together, that meant creating a packaging solution that not only promotes brand recognition, but also aligns with their sustainability beliefs.

“Selling earplugs without appropriate packaging is like having a party without any music.”


Interim solution

With a fast approaching event ahead, DaklaPack and NOIZEZZ were looking for a quick solution at first. DaklaPack provided the answer with their standard grip bags. It soon became clear that this was not a permanent packaging solution, especially when the silicone earplugs were difficult to remove from the grip bags. Moreover, there are strict regulations and certifications regarding earplugs that must be stated on the packaging. With that temporary packaging, the mandatory information was explained through a sticker. However, the ultimate goal was to integrate the necessary information in a stylish and sustainable manner into the final packaging solution.


The final result and future prospects

The final EarBeanz packaging is fully recyclable, made of mono-material polyethylene, with attention to every detail, including color choice. EarBeanz chose light pastel colors for maximum circularity. The pouches include a convenient grip closure at the top, they are sealed and reusable for consumers. DaklaPack supplies the pouches with an open side, making filling and sealing efficient. DaklaPack's thoughtfulness led to increased speed in the filling and sealing process, reducing costs for NOIZEZZ.

While the end result is impressive, there is room for improvement. Mark shares enthusiastically, "We are always open to creative ideas that can expand our business model in a sustainable way, for example, with different packaging." He envisions a future in which EarBeanz's packaging, like the earplugs, is produced in the Netherlands. DaklaPack shares this vision, but recognizes the challenge of increased production costs. But both NOIZEZZ and DaklaPack see great opportunities for the future.


An ideal cooperation

NOIZEZZ and DaklaPack challenge each other to keep improving the final product and seize new opportunities. This collaboration goes beyond the traditional supplier relationship; DaklaPack has become a strategic partner in innovation.

Are you looking for a packaging partner that not only improves your product, but also contributes with innovative solutions? At DaklaPack, we are ready to assist you, whether it's manufacturing, filling, or finding the perfect packaging that seamlessly fits your brand. Our team creates solutions outside the traditional boundaries and offers creative packaging that exceeds your expectations.

Contact us today!