High barrier packaging for freeze-dried meals

Date of publication: 03/05/2024

Joined forces result in a long term, nutritious collaboration with Tactical Foodpack

In 2016 DaklaPack Group was challenged to create a new packaging solution for Tactical Foodpack's freeze-dried meals. The packaging had to be different from the usual. In this article, Sverre Puustusmaa (CEO of Tactical Foodpack) and Tony Kortas (Business Development at DaklaPack) elaborate on the intensive cooperation, which has since developed a mutual sense of friendship and trust.

The idea for Tactical Foodpack came from a medic who, in the military, faced daily complicated conditions that tested everyone, both physically and mentally. The time to enjoy a good meal together was becoming scarcer, but also more important. For that reason, he wanted to develop more natural, soul-food-like meals. Freeze-dried meals with a long shelf life that are easy to carry, light on the stomach and yet always quickly consumable.


Practical stand-up pouches with a long lifespan

Products like freeze-dried meals need packaging that ensures integrity and taste even years later. This requires a specific and clever solution. With years of experience and a commitment to continuous innovation, DaklaPack can create strong, flexible plastic packaging that extends the shelf life. Variables such as ease of use, branding options and sustainability are not overlooked. Thanks to the practical design, the flavorful meals can be eaten directly from the packaging.

Sverre: "After we had conceived the initial designs for packaging, we needed a partner to produce them. We were truly surprised by how incredibly helpful our contact at DaklaPack was. Tony took us seriously as a startup, and we benefited greatly from his expertise. He even handmade the first samples himself. We noticed that Tony was enthusiastic and thought with us through every detail, evident from the many questions he asked. This open way of working together resulted in a perfect end result."


Sealed packaging with functional grip closure

The meals are packed in high-quality stand-up pouches with a grip closure. All food can be heated in the packaging in versatile ways, using the optional Tactical FirePot, a Heater Bag or even just a small campfire. After removing the header from the sealed top and opening the pouch, one can pour cold or boiling water into it.

By closing the grip closure again, all heat remains in the pouch, allowing the meal to heat up. After a short wait, reopen the pouch, stir the contents and dinner is ready! Eating the meal itself is easy because the recognizable packaging is sturdy and accessible thanks to its extra-wide design.


Tested in the harshest conditions

The team at Tactical Foodpack has put their packaging to the test in real-life scenarios. Are the meals easy to carry? How does the packaging react to an open fire? Does extreme cold affect ease of use? The reliability and versatility make these products suitable for a wide range of people with an active lifestyle. From campers, extreme sports enthusiasts, hikers, mountaineers or professional athletes to government agencies like defense.

Tony: "Thanks to DaklaPack's advanced technologies, this packaging act as an impenetrable shield against moisture, oxygen and other external factors. The laminated Tactical Foodpack stand-up pouches are made of the highest quality material. They protect the nutritional value and taste of the meals while significantly extending shelf life by seven to almost ten years."

Sverre: "We've kept various filled packages from the first year and open one each year for quality control. That's a practical test that requires some patience, but we're almost there. Tactical Foodpack will be eight years old in 2024. So far, when opening and heating the meals, we haven't seen any difference in product quality or noticed anything strange. That's truly an achievement!"


Continuing towards the future together

The collaboration between DaklaPack and Tactical Foodpack has led to a new vision of how people can eat nutritious food in challenging situations. Both companies are curious about the future and look forward to developing new products together.

Sverre: "No matter how crazy my ideas are, DaklaPack does everything to find the right packaging solution. They are open to new things, show genuine interest and have the expertise. Like us, they like to lead the market, but it's about the people who work there. As a reliable partner, they make it possible for our premium brand to grow continuously."


Looking for high-quality packaging?

We can make custom packaging that’s tailored to the unique requirements of freeze-dried meals, emergency rations and long-term food preservation. Creating alternative packaging for high-barrier retort or pasteurization is also a possibility. The right packaging for your products results in a higher customer satisfaction and will increase product sales. Curious about what DaklaPack can do for you?

Feel free to contact us with any questions!